The 2023 meeting of Wudi Muhe Agricultural Machinery Association members and the academic salon of Bohai Sea for revitalizing the countryside with the help of two crops of cotton and grass was successfully held
為深入學(xué)習貫徹黨的二十大會(huì )議精神,充分發(fā)揮“科普惠農、科技助農”效能,進(jìn)一步激發(fā)企業(yè)創(chuàng )新活力,助力打造鄉村振興齊魯樣板,根據省市科協(xié)工作安排部署,無(wú)棣縣科學(xué)技術(shù)協(xié)會(huì )聯(lián)合山東綠風(fēng)農業(yè)集團有限公司舉辦2023年渤海學(xué)術(shù)沙龍活動(dòng)。
To study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) , give full play to the efficacy of “Popularizing science in Huinong District and supporting agriculture through science and technology”, further stimulate the innovation vitality of enterprises, and help create a model for revitalizing the countryside in Qilu, according to the arrangement of the provincial and municipal science and technology associations, the Wudi County Association for Science and Technology and Shandong Lufeng Agricultural Group Co. , Ltd. jointly held a 2023 Bohai Sea Academic Salon.
2023年無(wú)棣牧禾農機服務(wù)專(zhuān)業(yè)合作聯(lián)合社社員代表大會(huì )同步進(jìn)行。
The 2023 Co-operative Committee of the Wudi Muhe Agricultural Machinery Service Co-operative Association will be held simultaneously.
12月6日下午,與會(huì )代表抵達山東綠風(fēng)農業(yè)集團有限公司會(huì )議禮堂,準時(shí)開(kāi)展相關(guān)活動(dòng)。山東農業(yè)工程學(xué)院科技學(xué)院院長(cháng)楊向黎、山東省農科院休閑農業(yè)研究所黨總支副書(shū)記、研究員賈春林等相繼發(fā)言討論,無(wú)棣縣科學(xué)技術(shù)協(xié)會(huì )黨組書(shū)記、主席張從敬、無(wú)棣縣海豐街道黨工委副書(shū)記、科協(xié)主席王建勇、無(wú)棣縣供銷(xiāo)聯(lián)社黨組成員、監事會(huì )副主任孫殿報、無(wú)棣縣農業(yè)農村局張維東等陪同活動(dòng)。
On the afternoon of December 6, the delegates arrived at the assembly hall of Shandong Green Wind Agriculture Group Co. , Ltd. to carry out relevant activities on time. Yang Xiangli, deputy secretary of the CPC General Branch and researcher Jia Chunlin of the Institute of Leisure Agriculture, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and other agricultural engineering of the discussion, zhang Congjing, Secretary of the party group and chairman of the Wudi County Kong Association for Science and Technology; Wang Jianyong, vice-secretary of the Haifeng Street Party Work Committee of Wudi County; Wang Jianyong, chairman of the Association for Science and Technology;.
Salon activities in a harmonious, warm atmosphere in the grand opening
與會(huì )代表合影留念
The delegates took a group photo as a souvenir
綠風(fēng)公司負責人、農業(yè)技術(shù)推廣研究員崔立華就飼草、棉花的建植、管理、茬口銜接及效益分析等做了詳盡的分享 崔立華說(shuō),當前飼草產(chǎn)業(yè)的生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營(yíng)模式逐步呈現多元化發(fā)展,棉草兩熟就屬于其中的一種創(chuàng )新。在中輕度鹽堿地上,冬前種上飼用小黑麥,來(lái)年春天割了黑麥再種上棉花。這樣就把冬閑田、春閑田充分利用起來(lái),打破原來(lái)棉花一年只種一茬的傳統耕作模式,如此逐年往復循環(huán),既提升了地力,又增加了效益。
Cui Lihua, head of the Green Wind Company and a researcher on agricultural technology promotion, gave a detailed talk on forage grass, cotton planting, management, stubble connection and benefit analysis, Cui said, at present, the production and management mode of forage grass industry gradually presents diversified development, and the double cropping of cotton and grass is one of the innovations. In the mild saline-alkali soil, wheat and rye were planted before winter, and then cotton was planted after Rye was cut in the spring. In this way, the winter fallow fields, spring fallow fields to make full use of, breaking the original cotton a year only one crop of the traditional farming model, so year after year cycle, both to enhance the soil fertility and increase the benefits.
Lumian532 is a new cotton variety bred by the Cotton Research Center of Shandong Province and Lufeng Company. Its growth period is 105 days, and it is 8.9% higher than zhongmiansuo 50 in lint yield, 30.8 mm in average length of the upper half of the fiber, and 31.7 CN/Tex in breaking strength, a Macroom of 4.7 and a spinning evenness index of 154. In the field of double cropping cotton, this variety, Lumian 532, is a good choice for both yield and quality.
長(cháng)安何處在,盡在馬蹄下。目前,棉飼兩熟耕作模式正向著(zhù)技術(shù)成熟逐步邁進(jìn),但仍有很長(cháng)的路要走,尚有很多的困難需要克服,技術(shù)、品種、市場(chǎng)、推廣等問(wèn)題有待進(jìn)一步優(yōu)化和提升。但是我們堅信,只要奮斗在路上,未來(lái)就在腳下。近一段時(shí)間,省農業(yè)廳會(huì )同畜牧、科技等部門(mén),積極落實(shí)習總書(shū)記“要給農業(yè)插上科技的翅膀”偉大指示,凝心聚力,多措并舉,積極開(kāi)展科技攻關(guān),認真研究謀劃棉、草發(fā)展的各項工作。大規模多頻次加強相關(guān)職業(yè)人員的培訓,在實(shí)踐中不斷錘煉草牧業(yè)技術(shù)人員的管理和創(chuàng )新能力,賦能鄉村振興齊魯樣板高質(zhì)量發(fā)展。我們愿意挑起棉花飼草生產(chǎn)技術(shù)推廣的金扁擔,以昂揚的奮斗姿態(tài)沖鋒在豐收的田野上。
Where Is Chang'an? Under the hooves of horses. At present, the cotton-feed double cropping system is gradually moving towards technical maturity, but there is still a long way to go, and there are still many difficulties to be overcome, technology, variety, market, promotion and other issues need to be further optimized and improved. But we firmly believe that as long as the struggle on the road, the future is at the foot. In recent times, the provincial Department of Agriculture, in conjunction with animal husbandry, science and technology, and other departments, has actively implemented General Secretary XI's great instruction to“Give agriculture wings of science and technology”, and has made concerted efforts and taken multiple measures to actively tackle key problems in science and technology, carefully study and plan the development of cotton, grass work. We should strengthen the training of relevant professional personnel on a large scale and many times, and constantly refine the management and innovation ability of the technical personnel of grass-raising industry in practice, so as to enable the village to revitalize Qilu model and develop in high quality. We are willing to take up the cotton grass production technology promotion of the Golden Pole, with a high attitude of struggle charge in the harvest of the fields.
Cui Lihua, head of Green Wind Company and promotion researcher, shared the experience of“Double cropping of cotton and grass”
牧禾聯(lián)合社理事長(cháng)許樹(shù)立做年度工作報告 報告里提到,聯(lián)合社創(chuàng )新種植模式,國內首創(chuàng )“鹽堿地棉草兩熟全程機械化栽培技術(shù)”,實(shí)現促農增收。為充分提高土地利用率,增加收入,聯(lián)合社積極推廣棉草兩熟栽培模式,推廣種植面積達8000余畝,畝增收600元以上,提高了土地利用率,實(shí)現增收增效雙贏(yíng)。2023年5月19日,在牧草種植基地上隆重召開(kāi)了牧場(chǎng)日-全國鹽堿地優(yōu)質(zhì)牧草產(chǎn)業(yè)大會(huì )暨智慧農場(chǎng)日-牧草數字水肥一體化現場(chǎng)會(huì ),參加高峰論壇的院士、專(zhuān)家對創(chuàng )新和推廣的“棉草兩熟”模式給予了充分肯定。高峰論壇研討會(huì )議上,院士、專(zhuān)家學(xué)者們通過(guò)認真的交流和討論,一致認為聯(lián)合社積極推廣基地+企業(yè)+合作社+農戶(hù)棉草兩熟發(fā)展模式,大力推動(dòng)了草畜一體發(fā)展,形成了良性循環(huán)帶動(dòng)效應,棉草兩熟模式屬?lài)H先進(jìn)種植技術(shù),填補了國內空白,增效顯著(zhù)。
Hui Shu-li, chairman of Muhe Union, makes an annual work report The report mentioned that the union's innovative planting model, the first domestic“Saline-alkali land cotton and grass two full mechanized cultivation technology,” to achieve agricultural income. In order to improve the land use rate and increase income, the Associated Press actively promoted the cultivation pattern of double cropping of cotton and grass, and extended the planting area to more than 8,000 mu, increasing the income by more than 600 yuan per mu, thus increasing the land use rate, achieve a win-win situation of increasing income and efficiency. On May 19,2023 day was held at the grass planting base. It was the national meeting of the high quality grass industry on saline-alkali land and Smart Farm Day, participating in the forum academicians, experts on the innovation and promotion of the“Double cotton” model has given full recognition. At the summit seminar, Academicians, experts and scholars, through serious exchanges and discussions, agreed that the Associated Press is actively promoting the development model of the base + Enterprise + Cooperative + Farmer household double cropping of cotton and grass, the double cropping pattern of cotton and grass is an international advanced planting technology, which fills the gap in China and increases the benefit significantly.
聯(lián)合社各社員攜手并進(jìn),精誠團結,積極組織配合開(kāi)展農機化新技術(shù)培訓工作,提高農民技術(shù)素質(zhì)。堅持以農業(yè)增效、農民增收為核心,以提高農機人才隊伍素質(zhì)為主線(xiàn),培訓適應統籌城鄉發(fā)展和推動(dòng)農業(yè)機械化快速發(fā)展要求的農機農技人才、科技人才,提升農業(yè)機械化人才及科技實(shí)用人才隊伍整體素質(zhì),舉辦農民科技培訓10期,培訓3000余人次,發(fā)放材料3000余份;結合“全國鹽堿地優(yōu)質(zhì)牧草產(chǎn)業(yè)大會(huì )”實(shí)地觀(guān)摩會(huì )議開(kāi)展培訓,培訓人數達260人次,促進(jìn)了棉草兩熟栽培技術(shù)及機采棉栽培技術(shù)的推廣,實(shí)現促農增收。
All the members of the association work hand in hand and unite in good faith, actively organize and cooperate to carry out the training of new agricultural mechanization technologies, and improve the technical quality of farmers. Insisting on enhancing agricultural efficiency and increasing farmers' income as the core, and focusing on improving the quality of agricultural machinery personnel, training agricultural machinery personnel and scientific and technological personnel to meet the requirements of coordinating urban and rural development and promoting the rapid development of the Mechanised agriculture sector, to upgrade the overall quality of Mechanised agriculture talents and technical and practical talents, organize 10 training sessions for farmers in science and technology, train more than 3,000 people, and distribute more than 3,000 copies of materials; The training was carried out in conjunction with the field observation meeting of“National conference on high-quality forage industry in saline-alkali land”, and the number of the trainees reached 260, which promoted the popularization of the cultivation techniques of double cropping cotton and mechanical picking cotton, promoting agriculture and increasing income.
With the joint efforts of all the members, the Union has played an important role in the development of local agricultural mechanization, in promoting the integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy, in increasing farmers' income and making them rich, and in promoting the revitalization of rural areas.
Xu Shuli gave a report on the 2023 work of Wudi Muhe Agricultural Machinery Service Professional Cooperative Association
楊向黎做“黃河三角洲草棉輪作機械化種植模式的推廣與示范”學(xué)術(shù)報告 針對不同黑麥、小黑麥、短季棉等品種表現進(jìn)行了認真的分析。試驗數據表明,飼用小黑麥后種植短季棉的做法是中肯的、科學(xué)的,認為魯棉532、K836等品種,生育期短、品質(zhì)優(yōu)、抗性好、適合輕簡(jiǎn)化管理,是適宜黃河流域棉區飼草后直播短季棉的突破性品種,棉草兩熟制的做法為當今棉花產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展帶來(lái)了新的動(dòng)力和展望。
Yang xiangli to do“Yellow River delta cotton rotation mechanization planting model promotion and demonstration” academic report The performance of different varieties of rye, triticale and short-season cotton was analyzed. The experimental data showed that it was pertinent and scientific to plant short-season cotton after feeding triticale, and it was considered that varieties such as Lumian 532 and K836 had short growth period, good quality, good resistance and suitable for light and simplified management, it is a breakthrough cotton variety suitable for direct seeding of short-season cotton after forage in the Yellow River basin.
Yang Xiangli to do cotton two ripe academic report
張從敬為沙龍活動(dòng)做了深度全面的總結 張從敬講到,引領(lǐng)不同領(lǐng)域的創(chuàng )新發(fā)展是每名科技工作者的職責??茀f(xié)是科技工作者的娘家,我們要時(shí)時(shí)刻刻為科技工作者做好服務(wù),為創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)發(fā)展做好服務(wù),為提高全民科學(xué)素質(zhì)做好服務(wù)。剛才我們給大家發(fā)了兩本書(shū),提高全民素質(zhì)的書(shū),這是最近剛購置的科協(xié)教育出版社出版的最新版,希望大家回去以后一定要好好的讀?!翱茀f(xié)沙龍”是市科協(xié)搭建聯(lián)系服務(wù)科技工作者的窗口和陣地,開(kāi)辟打造的服務(wù)科技工作者交流、碰撞思想、建言獻策線(xiàn)下交流平臺。我們今天的沙龍活動(dòng)靚點(diǎn)紛呈,第一個(gè)我們這次活動(dòng)綠風(fēng)準備的精心,準備的現場(chǎng)非常符合我們沙龍宗旨,活躍學(xué)術(shù)思想,啟迪創(chuàng )新思維,促進(jìn)產(chǎn)學(xué)研結合和社會(huì )事業(yè)發(fā)展。第二個(gè)亮點(diǎn)就是我們參加的人員規格非常高,農業(yè)工程學(xué)院的楊向黎院長(cháng)、山東省農科院的賈春林書(shū)記、朱振林博士等,以及縣里的農業(yè)界、畜牧界、供銷(xiāo)口的非常有名的專(zhuān)家以及牧禾聯(lián)合社成員單位的會(huì )員來(lái)參加,還有沾化兄弟合作社前來(lái)交流,可以說(shuō)你們這些會(huì )員就是我們鄉村振興路上的領(lǐng)頭雁。第三個(gè)亮點(diǎn)是沙龍內容非常豐富、專(zhuān)家課件信息量非常大,可操作性強,能夠把我們在牧草、棉花、葡萄的種植以及畜牧的生產(chǎn)知識融合起來(lái),非常符合我們農村的實(shí)際。本次沙龍活動(dòng)是圓滿(mǎn)的、成功的。今后,科協(xié)將充分利用好這個(gè)平臺,提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的全方位服務(wù),舉辦不同主題的“科協(xié)沙龍”系列活動(dòng),進(jìn)一步加強與廣大科技工作者的聯(lián)系服務(wù), 希望各位在工作中生活中有什么技術(shù)難題,及時(shí)和我們科協(xié)溝通,我們科協(xié)將全心全意的為大家做好服務(wù),同時(shí)希望大家對我們科協(xié)的工作提出寶貴的意見(jiàn)。
Zhang Congjing has made the depth comprehensive summary for the salon activity Zhang said it is the responsibility of every scientist and technologist to lead the development of innovation in different fields. The association is the parent family of science and technology workers. We The Hours to serve science and technology workers, to serve innovation-driven development, and to improve the scientific quality of the people. Just now we have sent you two books to improve the quality of the whole people. This is the latest edition published by the Education Press of the Association of Science and Technology, which was recently purchased. I hope you will read them well when you go back. “The Salon of the Association for Science and Technology” is the window and position of the Association for Science and Technology Workers. Our salon activities today are full of beautiful spots. The first of our activities is well-prepared by the green wind. The site of the preparation is very in line with our salon's purpose to stimulate academic thinking and inspire innovative thinking, we will promote the combination of production, teaching and research and the development of social undertakings. The second highlight is that we have a very high standard of personnel. President Yang Xiangli of the Agricultural Engineering College, Secretary Jia Chunlin of the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dr Zhu Zhenlin, etc. , as well as very well-known experts from the county's agricultural sector, animal husbandry sector, supply and marketing outlets, and members of the livestock and grain federation, as well as the Zhanhua brothers cooperative, came to exchange ideas, we can say that you members are the leading Wild Geese on our rural revitalization road.The third highlight is that the salon is very rich in content, and the expert courseware is very informative and Operability. It can integrate our knowledge of grass, cotton, grape growing and livestock production, very much in line with our rural reality. The salon event was a success. In the future, the association will make full use of this platform to provide all-round services of high quality, hold a series of activities with different themes, and further strengthen the contact services with the vast number of scientific and technological workers, i hope that you have any technical problems in your work and life, and timely communication with our association, our association will wholeheartedly serve you, and I hope that you will give us valuable advice on the work of our association.
The event ended with enthusiastic applause.
Association community, win-win future; cotton two ripe, the future can be expected!
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