How can the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land form more replicable patterns? The representative members of Shandong contributed“Good strategies”
中國新聞網(wǎng) 2024-01-25 11:42:33 76萬(wàn)
專(zhuān)題 | 2024年地方兩會(huì )
中新網(wǎng)濟南1月25日電(孫婷婷 呂妍)“山東探索出的‘鹽堿地草棉輪作種植’模式,作為一種適應鹽堿地環(huán)境的農業(yè)生產(chǎn)方法,可‘復制+粘貼’進(jìn)行大面積推廣?!闭谂e行的山東“兩會(huì )”上,一份《關(guān)于深入推廣鹽堿地草棉輪作種植模式助力鄉村產(chǎn)業(yè)振興的建議》的聯(lián)名議案,引發(fā)與會(huì )代表對鹽堿地綜合利用的廣泛關(guān)注。
Chinanews.com, Jinan, January 25(Sun Tingting, Lü Yan)“Shandong has explored the 'rotation of grass and cotton in saline-alkali soil' model. As an agricultural production method adapted to saline-alkali soil environment, it can be 'copied and pasted' for large-scale promotion.” At the ongoing Shandong“Two sessions”, a joint proposal on promoting grass-cotton rotation in saline-alkali soil to promote the revitalization of rural industry has aroused wide concern on the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali soil.
今年的山東省人民政府工作報告中指出,鹽堿地綜合利用是推動(dòng)“齊魯糧倉”建設的重要一環(huán)。2024年,山東將編制實(shí)施鹽堿地綜合利用總體規劃,試驗示范耐鹽堿新品種30個(gè)以上。而這份由山東省第十四屆人民代表大會(huì )代表崔立華、王曉芳、楊麗媛、張素芬的聯(lián)合議案,給鹽堿地利用提供了良好的參考價(jià)值。
This year's People's Government of Shandong Province work report pointed out that the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land is an important link to promote the construction of “Qilu Granary”. In this 2024, a general plan for the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land will be worked out, and more than 30 new varieties of saline-alkali tolerance will be tested and demonstrated. The joint proposal by Cui Lihua, Wang Xiaofang, Yang Liyuan and Zhang Sufen, deputies to the zero th National People's Congress of Shandong Province, provides a good reference for the use of saline-alkali land.
據崔立華介紹,鹽堿地草棉輪作種植模式在現代耕作領(lǐng)域首創(chuàng )飼用小黑麥、短季棉輪作栽培技術(shù),秋季播種黑麥草,5月上旬收獲后再壓茬種植短季棉,實(shí)現了從單作到雙作、由一熟變兩熟的土地高效利用?!跋噍^于傳統的鹽堿地耕作模式,該模式成效更明顯?!?/span>
According to Cui Lihua's introduction, the grass-cotton rotation cultivation model in saline-alkali soil is the first in the modern cultivation field to use fodder triticale and short-season cotton rotation cultivation techniques. Ryegrass is sown in autumn, and short-season cotton is planted after the harvest in early May, the high efficient land use was realized from single cropping to double cropping, from one crop to two crops. “It works better than traditional saline-alkali farming.”
崔立華認為,“鹽堿地草棉輪作種植”模式目前在中國各地“復制+粘貼”推廣種植面積達20萬(wàn)余畝,反響良好,具備進(jìn)一步大規模推廣應用的可行性。眼下,該模式仍需解決飼草、棉花種質(zhì)資源相對匱乏的問(wèn)題,支持優(yōu)質(zhì)短季棉、飼用燕麥等作物品種的審定推廣。應推動(dòng)科研單位與棉種企業(yè)深度合作,加大新品種的開(kāi)發(fā)選育力度,廣泛搜集優(yōu)質(zhì)種質(zhì)資源,創(chuàng )制優(yōu)良種質(zhì)和品系,引領(lǐng)主流種植方向,遏制生產(chǎn)品種的“多亂雜”現象,用良種產(chǎn)業(yè)化武裝農業(yè)現代化。
Cui Lihua believes that the“Saline-alkali grass-cotton rotation planting” model is now being“Copied and pasted” across China to promote the planting area of more than 200,000 mu, a good response, it has the feasibility of further large-scale application. At present, the model still needs to solve the problem of the relative scarcity of forage grass and cotton germplasm resources, and support the certification and extension of high-quality short-season cotton and fodder oats and other crop varieties. We should push forward the deep cooperation between scientific research units and cotton seed enterprises, strengthen the development and breeding of new varieties, widely collect high-quality germplasm resources, create excellent germplasm and lines, and lead the main planting direction, to curb the production of varieties of“Multi-disorder” phenomenon, armed with improved varieties of industrialization of agricultural modernization.
The existing saline-alkali land area of Shandong province is about 8.9 million mu, accounting for 3.8% of the total land area of the province. It covers 47 counties and districts in 11 cities. Saline-alkali land is distributed in Dongying, Dezhou and Binzhou, waking up this“Sleeping” reserve arable land resources, make good use of arable land stock, improve land increment, help to achieve the expansion of arable land resources, improve quality and efficiency.
(file photo) Dongying has 3.41 million mu of saline-alkali land, accounting for 38% of the province's saline-alkali land area, of which 1.96 million mu of saline-alkali farmland is a natural testing ground for exploring modern agriculture on saline-alkali land.