山東省科普教育基地 2023 年度科普績(jì)效自評報告
(一)向公眾提供科普。公司緊緊圍繞以“弘揚科學(xué)精神,普及科學(xué)知識,傳播科學(xué)思想,倡導科學(xué)方法”為主要內容、山東綠風(fēng)農業(yè)集團有限公司充分發(fā)揮山東省科普教育基地作用,開(kāi)展了向公眾提供科普服務(wù)工作,每周開(kāi)放兩天,接待來(lái)人300人次,發(fā)放宣傳資料五百余份,前來(lái)咨詢(xún)的人絡(luò )繹不絕。在科普知識宣傳中,我們在內容上盡量貼近公眾,貼近群眾關(guān)心的熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題,比如“春耕生產(chǎn)”、“種養殖技術(shù)”“疫病防治技術(shù)”等。寫(xiě)進(jìn)宣傳資料中的文字盡量通俗易懂、深入淺出,讓不同文化程度的群眾都能讀懂、讀透。由兩名大學(xué)生職工作為宣講主力,開(kāi)展科技知識宣傳,受到了群眾的歡迎和好評,達到了很好的社會(huì )效果。
·交互裝置:我們還設置了一些交互裝置,觀(guān)眾可以通過(guò)觸摸屏、按鈕等方式與裝置進(jìn)行互動(dòng),體驗科學(xué)的樂(lè )趣。
在全國科普日活動(dòng)期間,充分發(fā)揮自身優(yōu)勢,開(kāi)展科普研學(xué)、科技咨詢(xún)、技能培訓等各類(lèi)科普活動(dòng)。立足以“提升全民科學(xué)素質(zhì),助力科技自立自強”為主題,全面貫徹實(shí)施《全民科學(xué)素質(zhì)綱要》,樹(shù)立科學(xué)發(fā)展觀(guān),結合當地實(shí)際情況,于9月17日開(kāi)展了農業(yè)技能培訓系列活動(dòng),形成了倡導科學(xué),普及科技,全面提高公眾科學(xué)素質(zhì)和創(chuàng )新能力的良好氛圍,培訓農民技術(shù)員78人,發(fā)放技術(shù)資料1000余份,接受農民技術(shù)咨詢(xún)50余人次,發(fā)放農作物高產(chǎn)栽培技術(shù)資料80余份。
(四)通過(guò)網(wǎng)絡(luò )媒體平臺向公眾公布開(kāi)放信息、科普教育活動(dòng)信息、展教資源更新情況等公共科普服務(wù)信息等情況。
二是開(kāi)展科技下鄉志愿服務(wù)活動(dòng)。公司職工與佘家鎮的盧家倉村、馬家倉村、王官莊村、觀(guān)音堂村、杜家倉村等均對接了至少一名種植大戶(hù),幫助指導周邊農戶(hù)科學(xué)植棉,有效地幫助和提高了科學(xué)種植水平。三是組織群眾代表參加主題黨日活動(dòng),開(kāi)展黨員與群眾參與環(huán)境整治,創(chuàng )建和諧穩定的環(huán)境。
2023年5月19日,山東綠風(fēng)農業(yè)集團有限公司在綠風(fēng)公司的牧草種植基地和綠風(fēng)公司苜??萍夹≡号嘤栔行某晒Τ修k了全國鹽堿地優(yōu)質(zhì)牧草產(chǎn)業(yè)大會(huì )和山東省非糧飼料加工利用技術(shù)科普暨現場(chǎng)觀(guān)摩會(huì )。參會(huì )人員由農業(yè)農村部全國畜牧總站草業(yè)處王加亭處長(cháng),山東省畜牧獸醫局李新副局長(cháng),山東省畜牧獸醫局畜牧處吳孝兵處長(cháng),山東省畜牧總站黨總支書(shū)記孔雷,濱州市畜牧獸醫管理服務(wù)中心主任鄭紅麗,山東省畜牧獸醫局質(zhì)監處副處長(cháng)、濱州市農業(yè)農村局副局長(cháng)翟國棟,山東省畜牧獸醫局質(zhì)監處副處長(cháng)、陽(yáng)信縣副縣長(cháng)陳秀霞,無(wú)棣縣人大常委會(huì )主任任衛國,中國農業(yè)機械流通協(xié)會(huì )智慧農業(yè)首席科學(xué)家李迅,山東省畜牧總站博士、研究員翟桂玉,山東省畜牧總站博士、正高級畜牧師姜慧新,山東省農業(yè)技術(shù)推廣中心副主任、研究員王桂峰,青島農大草業(yè)學(xué)院副院長(cháng)、國家牧草產(chǎn)業(yè)體系崗位科學(xué)家孫娟,青島農大教授、省牧草產(chǎn)業(yè)技術(shù)體系首席楊國峰,山東農業(yè)工程學(xué)院農業(yè)科技學(xué)院院長(cháng)、教授楊向黎,河北農林科學(xué)院農業(yè)資源與環(huán)境研究所研究員智健飛,山東畜牧獸醫職業(yè)學(xué)院副教授何孟蓮,全國人大代表、濱州市農業(yè)農村局正高級工程師陳恩明,濱州市畜牧獸醫研究院黨總支書(shū)記、院長(cháng)、研究員張兵,濱州市農業(yè)科學(xué)院正高級工程師張愛(ài)民,山東省奶業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )會(huì )長(cháng)王成武,山東省農科院休閑所黨總支副書(shū)記、研究員賈春林,山東省農科院休閑所研究員、國家牧草產(chǎn)業(yè)體系試驗站長(cháng)王國良,山東省農科院種質(zhì)資源所研究員、國家綠肥體系崗位科學(xué)家張曉冬,山東省農業(yè)機械科學(xué)研究院副總工程師鐘波,山東省農業(yè)機械科學(xué)研究院正高級工程師孫志民。期間,現代化機械分別演示了割草壓扁、翻曬、摟草、青貯撿拾切割、苜蓿打捆、集捆、草棉輪作暨鹽堿地改良示范、牧草數字水肥一體化等作業(yè)流程,觀(guān)摩了飼用燕麥品種篩選試驗田等。在現代農機作業(yè)現場(chǎng),曹曉風(fēng)院士給予了充分的肯定:“在無(wú)棣這次的活動(dòng),應該說(shuō)正是落實(shí)總書(shū)記指出的這種大食物觀(guān),大的鹽堿地改良的戰略,通過(guò)現場(chǎng)觀(guān)摩方式的宣傳,讓種養殖戶(hù)更好的了解國家的政策,而且從實(shí)際出發(fā)告訴這些種植戶(hù)怎么來(lái)做這件事,找到適合鹽堿地生長(cháng)的牧草品種,這個(gè)我們非常期待,希望能在我們中國更多的土地上,一方面改好鹽堿地,一方面把新型飼草發(fā)展好”。
王加亭處長(cháng)對綠風(fēng)集團的做法、業(yè)績(jì)給予了鼓勵和表?yè)P。他強調:中央一號文件明確提出“加快選育和推廣優(yōu)質(zhì)草種”,從國內看,隨著(zhù)生態(tài)文明建設的不斷推進(jìn),對優(yōu)良草種的需求將越來(lái)越大;從國際看,只有建立起自身強大的草種產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈體系,保障自給自足,才能在未來(lái)競爭中掌握全球市場(chǎng)和產(chǎn)業(yè)的制高點(diǎn),從根本上改變受制于人的被動(dòng)局面,贏(yíng)得產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的主動(dòng)權;從經(jīng)濟層面看,草種產(chǎn)業(yè)是充滿(mǎn)生機的朝陽(yáng)產(chǎn)業(yè),完全可以成為我國草產(chǎn)業(yè)的亮點(diǎn)和國民經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的新增長(cháng)點(diǎn)。加快發(fā)展草種業(yè),贏(yíng)得產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展主動(dòng)權,必須科學(xué)謀劃、加強管理、健全機制、整合資源、創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)。
通過(guò)這次會(huì )議,正式簽約了歸國博士李迅,迎來(lái)了浙江舟山客人的牧草產(chǎn)業(yè)牽手,迎來(lái)了與青島農業(yè)大學(xué)的對接合作,為公司的產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展和人才儲備奠定了良好的基礎。
銳意進(jìn)取的綠風(fēng)公司,將以本次大會(huì )為契機,立足農業(yè)科技創(chuàng )新和發(fā)展,堅持生態(tài)高效、品牌提升、創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)、科技引領(lǐng),跨界融合、開(kāi)放合作、內外聯(lián)動(dòng)的理念和“資源共享,優(yōu)勢互補,面向未來(lái),共同發(fā)展”的原則,在“牧草新品種研發(fā)、應用推廣”、“牧草品質(zhì)提升全程應用方案”、“牧草田間雜草解決方案的應用推廣”、“水肥一體、農藥減量增效”、“聯(lián)合申報科研項目”、“人才培養創(chuàng )新創(chuàng )業(yè)”等方面開(kāi)展多領(lǐng)域、多層次、多形式的合作,產(chǎn)業(yè)報國,大力推廣鹽堿地牧草種植及草棉輪作種植新技術(shù),為引領(lǐng)行業(yè)發(fā)展、助力鄉村振興添磚加瓦。
A self-evaluation report on the 2023 of science popularization performance of the Shandong science popularization education base
Shandong Green Wind Agriculture Group Co. , Ltd.
First, the work situation
(1) to provide popular science to the public. The company tightly revolves around“Carries forward the scientific spirit, popularizes the scientific knowledge, the dissemination scientific thought, advocates the scientific method” as the main content, Shandong Green Wind Agriculture Group Limited company fully displays Shandong province popular science education base function, it has provided popular science services to the public, opening two days a week, receiving 300 visitors and distributing more than 500 copies of propaganda materials. In the propaganda of popular science knowledge, we try our best to be close to the public in terms of content and to the hot issues of public concern, such as“Spring ploughing production”, “Planting and breeding technology” and“Disease prevention and control technology”. Written into the promotional materials, the text as easy to understand, in-depth, so that people of different cultural levels can understand, read through. Two university students work as the main propaganda, science and technology knowledge propaganda, by the masses welcome and praise, achieved good social results.
(2) maintenance, renewal and operation of facilities and equipment for exhibition and teaching of popular science
1.Multimedia devices:
·Projector: we have introduced an advanced high-definition projector that provides a clear and realistic display. The audience can watch popular science videos, experimental displays and other content through the projector.
·Audio equipment: we are equipped with professional audio equipment, to ensure that the audience in the popular science activities can hear clear, realistic sound effects.
·E-whiteboard: we have installed an e-whiteboard, through which the audience can interact with the instructor for more in-depth learning and discussion.
2.Interactive exhibition area:
·Experimental Platform: we have set up a number of experimental platform, the audience can be hands-on scientific experiments, enhance practical ability and scientific observation.
·Interactive devices: we have also set up some interactive devices, the audience can touch the screen, buttons and other ways to interact with the device, experience the fun of science.
(3) information on the activities on the theme of popular science held during National Popular Science Day, National Science and Technology Week, National Science and Technology Workers Day, and other important theme days
During the National Popular Science Day, we will give full play to our advantages and carry out popular science research, scientific and technological consultation, skill training and other popular science activities. Based on the theme of “Enhancing the scientific quality of the whole people, helping science and technology to be self-reliant and self-reliant”, we will fully implement the outline for the scientific quality of the whole people, establish Scientific Outlook on Development, and take into account local conditions, on 17 September, a series of agricultural skills training activities was carried out, creating a good atmosphere for advocating science and popularizing science and Technology, comprehensively improving the scientific quality and innovation ability of the public, and Training 78 rural technicians, more than 1000 copies of technical data were distributed, more than 50 times of technical consultation were received from farmers, and more than 80 copies of high-yield cultivation technical data were distributed.
(4)Through the network media platform to the public to publish open information, popular science education activities information, exhibition and education resources, such as the update of Public Science Service information
Shandong Green Wind Agriculture Group Co. , Ltd. . The construction of the company's website
(5) carrying out voluntary services and other activities.
First, popularizing agricultural knowledge. To make use of the bazaars to disseminate agricultural knowledge to the public, popularize agricultural products and promote the sale of agricultural products, and to answer the questions of the public and convey the advanced nature of agricultural knowledge and science and technology, and for the local seasonal agricultural products to provide knowledge of popular science, emphasizing regional characteristics, improve public awareness and recognition of local agricultural products.
Second, the development of science and technology to the countryside voluntary service activities. The company's employees have joined at least one major farmer in lujiacang, Majicang, Wangguanzhuang, Guanyintang and Dujiacang villages in Shejia town to help guide the surrounding farmers in planting cotton scientifically, effectively help and improve the level of scientific cultivation. Third, organize representatives of the masses to participate in the activities of the theme party day, carry out the party members and the masses to participate in the environmental renovation, and create a harmonious and stable environment.
(6) the funds and personnel for popularizing science
Shandong Green Wind Agriculture Group Co. , Ltd. . 4 science popularization personnel, the company has a good budget for science popularization funds, according to the fund use plan to carry out science popularization expenditures, and regular evaluation of the effect. Standards and procedures for the use of funds have been developed for different popular science activities to ensure that every sum of funds is secured. Through the evaluation of the effect of popular science activities, the ways of using funds are constantly optimized to improve the effect and influence of popular science activities.
Second, the characteristics of the work
On March 15, it launched a consultancy service called“Sending scientific and technological knowledge to the countryside”, focusing on scientific production and increasing efficiency and income, and vigorously carrying out practical technology training, the training, which covered new technologies such as agriculture, food and crop pest control, began at 9am and ended at 4pm.